#player: Breks
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Willa: My boyfriend is too tall. How do I kiss him?
Hunter: Punch him in the gut, and kiss him when he doubles over.
Rae: Tackle him!
#power rangers#power rangers oc#guardian#guardian rp#power rangers rp#char: willa langston#power rangers time force#wild force#blue ranger#source: tumblr#inncorect quotes#char: Hunter Garnier#player: Coco#char: Rae Carson#player: Breks#char: Ezekeiel Zaragoza#player: Danni
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"Fitba (Inglis: football, association football or soccer), is a gemme or sport played by twa teams on a rectangular pairk (aboot 110 by 70 yaird) wi dales (24 by 8 feet) at the twa ends. The twa teams haes 11 players. 10 o the players rins aw ower the park an tries tae kick or heid the baw intae the ither team's dale but canna uise thair haunds. The ither player plays in the dale an is kent as the goalkeeper. The goalie uises his haunds in an 18 yaird box aboot the goal for tae stap the baw fae gaun in. The team that haes the maist goals efter 90 meenits wins the gemme. The players is gien a brek o 10 or 15 meenits at hauf time."
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Learning to play D&D alongside my sister (who also wants to learn to DM) by using the essentials kit and the 2 player model. I wasn’t sure about it at first (didn’t seem fun to play just two people, with nobody to bounce my role play off of) but she’s doing a really good job and I did have fun! Almost died from a manticore at level 1, but still fun! And a good easy way to learn the rules.
My dwarf (Brek Dwa’lin) is going to date the companion character Inverna Nightbreeze because dwarf/half-elf wlw couple? Heck yeah.
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'Sejak dari malam itu, kami tak keluar malam..'
Hajat mereka hanya keluar untuk makan malam, tetapi tidak disangka pada malam tersebut mereka berdepan dengan kisah seram. Berpandukan GPS, mereka ingin pulang menumpang ke rumah salah seorang ibu saudara mereka, tetapi, jalan lain yang ditunjukkan.
Pengalaman tersebut mujur tidak berakhir dengan sebarang tragedi yang meragut nyawa. Tetapi salah seorang daripada mereka telah diganggu menyebabkan dia lemah semangat. Pengalaman tersebut juga telah memberikan kesedaran kepada mereka.
ASSALAMUALAIKUM pembaca FS, aku Wawa. Aku nak share kisah yang aku sendiri alami. Kisah ini terjadi pada tahun 2015. Masa tu hari Jumaat. Malam tu aku dan kawan aku, Hana dah plan untuk keluar makan. Aku bertolak dari rumah aku yg terletak di Hulu Langat menuju ke rumah Hana yang terletak di Putrajaya pada jam 9 malam.
Kami decide untuk makan di bandar Nilai pada malam tu (tak tahu lah kenapa, tiba-tiba spontan dia ajak aku makan dekat situ). Setelah selesai makan, jam menunjukkan pukul 11.30 malam. Aku decide nak stay rumah mak sedara aku je dekat Mantin, sebab masa tu kami berdua pun dah mengantuk (tula gatal lagi nak makan jauh-jauh).
Lagipun Mantin tak jauh dari Nilai. Aku tak berapa sure jalan ke Mantin, sebab aku jarang pergi so aku set GPS ke Kolej Lagenda sebab rumah makcik aku dekat rumah pangsa area situ je. Itu jela landmark yang aku ingat.
Kami pun mulakan perjalanan, selepas melepasi area Pajam gps menunjukkan arah untuk kami terus lagi dan terus lagi dan lagi. Kemudian GPS arahkan kami belok ke kiri. Di situ kawasan perumahan rumah teres. Agak usang dan gelap. Semua rumah disitu kelihatan usang. Mungkin jimat elektrik masing-masing. Tapi ada seperkara yang aku pelik.
“Seingat aku datang dgn mak aku takde pulak aku kena lalu taman perumahan ni. Biar betul GPS ni?” aku mula bertanyakan Hana.
Hana tengok GPS semula, belek skrin tengok jalan yang dipaparkan dalam GPS.
“Memang dia tunjuk arah ni weh, kau terus lagi kat belakang tu je. Lagi 500m.”
Aku pelik sebab rumah makcik aku rumah pangsa, ni rumah teres. Usang. Gelap. Sunyi. Aku pun bawa kereta perlahan-lahan ke arah arahan GPS, lalu GPS bersuara,
‘You have arrived at your destination’.
Aku terpaku. Dalam hati aku istighfar banyak. Depan mata aku adalah sebuah kuil, kiri kanan semak samun. Kuil nampak seperti kuil lama. Aku pandang Hana, Hana pandang aku.
“Kau set location ape tadi?”
“Kolej lagenda la weh. ni ha kau tengok.” Hana menjawab.
Aku pun tengok. Betullah. Aku pun patah balik. Cuba untuk cari jalan keluar. Di kawasan perumahan tu aku boleh sesat nak keluar. Reset location ke kolej lagenda, arahnya tetap sama ke arah kuil.
Aku cakap dekat Hana, “Na, baca ayat kursi banyak-banyak na”.
Tak lama lepas tu, akhirnya aku jumpa jalan keluar. Jam menunjukkan pukul 12.30 tengah malam.
Aku pun meneruskan perjalanan. Location dah reset balik. Tetapi lagi sekali kejadian pelik berlaku. Kami tiba-tiba masuk ke satu perkampungan. Di situ ada roundabout kecil dan GPS arahkan kami untuk keluar di first exit (means ikut arah jam pukul 9).
Kami pun terus sehinggalah diberi arahan ‘turn right’. Aku tidak terus ke arah kanan, aku brek mengejut. Hana melatah lalu dia bertanya kepada aku.
Hana : Wawa, kau dah kenapa ni brek mengejut? Terkejut aku.
Aku : Hana, GPS suruh belok kanan ke? serious?
Hana : yelah, ni ha kau tengok.
Aku : Hana, kanan ni (aku tunjuk dengan jari) ‘Tanah Perkuburan Islam’
Hana ternganga, terdiam, bisu. Aku pun cepat-cepat tekan minyak berjalan terus. Dalam hati, kalau ada kawasan rumah atau kawasan lapang aku nak pusing pastu keluar terus. Dan aku pusing di sebuah depan rumah kayu yang usang.
Mata aku terpandang sesuatu. Lembaga berkain putih lusuh bertenggek atas tangga rumah kayu tu. Rumah kayu tu pun gelap gelita jadi memang obvious nampak kain putih. Tak berani nak pandang kiri kanan. Aku terus pusingkan kereta dalam keadaan kalut. Aku tak tau Hana nampak ke tak. Aku lalu semula di depan kubur tu GPS arahkan kami ke kiri (sebab aku dah pusing tadi jadi kubur belah kiri).
Tapi aku terus tak belok kiri. Sampai la jumpa roundabout tadi tapi aku pelik. Aku pusing roundabout tu 3 kali, lalu balik depan tanah perkuburan tu tapi aku tak nampak jalan keluar. Aku dah tak sedap hati.
Aku berhenti jap tepi jalan tapi bukan la dekat area tanah perkuburan tu. Hana dah diam membisu. GPS berkali-kali arahkan kami patah balik ke tempat tadi. Aku langsung tak nampak apa-apa rumah melainkan rumah kayu yang usang tadi tu.
Aku baca Al-fatihah, ayat kursi dan ayat 3 Qul banyak-banyak kali. Barulah aku nampak signboard ke arah Nilai, Pajam etc. Aku pun keluar dari situ, then Hana cakap, “weh, tidur rumah kau jela. Lalu highway Lekas ni”.
Aku pun mengiyakan je. Kami exit Highway lekas dari Mantin. Aku ingat gangguan dah habis tapi ada lagi yang terjadi.
Di Highway Lekas, kami melalui highway Lekas melalui exit Mantin. Jam menunjukkan pukul 3 pagi. Dari pukul 12.30 tengah malam sampai dah pukul 3 pagi. Aku dah physically dan mentally exhausted tapi aku teruskan perjalanan, dalam otak aku nak cepat sampai je. Mula-mula exit Mantin tu nampak jugak 2-3 biji kereta meluncur laju meninggalkan kereta Myvi aku ni. Dalam hati aku ‘yesss ada jugak kereta lain’.
Hana pulak sejak masuk Highway Lekas dia diam je. Aku tanya Hana, “Hana kau ok ke? Kalau ikutkan Mantin ke hulu langat ni kereta tak banyak gini 30-40 minit sampai lah”. Tetapi Hana diam menunduk sahaja hanya menjawab ‘hmmm’.
Mungkin dia penat, aku biarkan saja. Aku pun teruskan perjalanan tapi masa tu dah takde kereta kiri kanan. Meter kereta aku mencecah 120km/j tapi aku rasa kereta aku slow sangat.
“Na, pesal kereta aku ni slow sangat ek? Dah tekan minyak pun aku rasa kereta macam kura-kura lagi nih”
Hana tak jawab, just menundukkan kepala ke bawah. Aku pun toleh ke arah Hana, aku nampak tingkap di sebelah Hana kain putih berjuntai di tepi tingkap. Aku pandang semula ke depan. Aku tengok cermin pandang belakang. Gelap gelita. Aku tak nampak langsung line jalan putih ke lampu jalan ke. Aku pandang side mirror belah aku. Nampak je line putih jalan ni. Aku dah tak sedap hati.
Aku amik cd yaasin aku masukkan dalam player. Tiba-tiba Hana tutup. Aku on balik, Hana tutup balik. Eh minah ni, main-main pulak dengan aku. Aku on balik then kuatkan volume. Tangan aku, aku biarkan di radio tu.
Aku nampak dari ekor mata aku, Hana merenung aku tajam. Tiba-tiba dia gigit tangan aku. Aku menjerit kesakitan. Nasib tak hilang kawalan stereng. Hana start meracau selang seli dengan menangis dengan ketawa.
Aku baca ayat ruqyah yang aku ingat, aku terlalu takut sampai aku tak berani nak pandang Hana. Tiba-tiba Hana bersuara,
“Kau takut ke? Hahahahahahahahaha!”.
Kemudian dia sambung gelak meracau menangis. Dia tolak badan aku, menjerit sekuat hati dia. Kereta hampir hilang kawalan, beberapa kali jugak la nak terlanggar divider. Aku laung ‘Allahuakbar’ 3 kali lepas tu aku Iqamat. Aku dah tak tau nak buat apa. Depan tu aku dah nampak tol. Lepas je bayar tol aku berhentikan kereta tepi jalan. Aku tengok Hana dah diam, dah terkulai, pengsan mungkin.
Aku call mak ayah aku. Jam waktu tu dah pukul 3.45 pagi. Dalam 4.30 pagi mak ayah aku sampai dengan sorang ustaz. Ustaz tu yang bawak kereta aku sampai la ke rumahnya. Disitu dia pulihkan semangat si Hana ni dan biar dia berehat dan kami sekeluarga bawa dia ke rumah mak ayah aku dan aku call mak ayah Hana seusai subuh.
Pukul 10 pagi Hana tersedar, dia masih lagi pening. Aku menyuruh dia mandi dan makan. Mak ayah dia pun dah sampai kat rumah aku masa tu. Aku tanya Hana apa jadi semalam. Dia cakap masa exit Highway Lekas tu dia nampak orang pakai baju putih melambai-lambai ke arah dia.
Dia pun menundukkan pandangan ke bawah dan selepas itu pandangan dia kosong, fikiran dia kosong dan dia rasa badan dia lemah sangat.
“Ada benda yang menyakat kamu ni, hijab kamu ditutup. Kamu tu anak dara, sepatutnya tengah-tengah malam gini duduk dekat rumah. Kawan kamu ni pun semangat lemah dan kebetulan tengah uzur jadi lagi senanglah benda tu nak mengacau.
Nasib dia tak ikut balik ke rumah, kot dah jatuh cinta kat kamu berdua, satu hal pulak nak membela nanti. Lepas ni jangan keluar malam lagi ye”, kata ustaz kepadaku.
Sejak dari itu aku dan Hana tak keluar malam dah. Sebelum pukul 10 malam mesti kami dah balik rumah.
Sumber: Fiksyen Shasha
from The Reporter https://ift.tt/2TJBVi0 via IFTTT from Cerita Terkini Sensasi Dan Tepat https://ift.tt/2TNrslU via IFTTT
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details About Rohit Sharma Net Worth 2021
Rohit Sharma is an best Indian cricketer. Details about Rohit Sharma net worth and salary. In the shortest format of cricket, T20I, Rohit Sharma is the vice-captain of the Indian cricket team. Right-handed batter and right-arm-off brek bowler, the top-order batsman is a right-handed player. In the IPL, Rohit built a name for himself. By demonstrating his abilities in the IPL, he earned the hearts of everyone. He is now the captain of the Mumbai Indians in the Indian Premier League. Sharma initially demonstrated his talent in 2006, when he was 19 years old. The net worth of Rohit Sharma INR 160 crore. His monthly salary is one crore rupees. The Indian cricket team's opening batsman is a BCCI-salaried player. He receives 5 crore INR from the BCCI. Sharma charges between two and three crores for brand endorsements.
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Novak Djokovic beats Aslan Karatsev in three sets (6-3 / 6-4 / 6-2) in the first semifinal of the Australian Open 2021 and gains access to the final. The Russian's dream of becoming the first player coming from the qualifiers to reach the last act in a Grand Slam tournament breaks against the world number one. Thus ends the story of the 27 year old from Moscow, the great revelation of this Australian event, who leaves the tournament with the title of first and only player on his debut in a Grand Slam to reach the semifinal in the Open era. After a first set without history, easily won 6-3 by Novak Djokovic in just 36 minutes, in the second and third set Aslan Karatsev made things a little more complicated for the most titled opponent by managing to snatch his serve in both halves but having to surrender to the higher class and the great mental strength of the Serbian who on both occasions was able to immediately counter-brek the Russian and get ahead in the score and then close with 6-4 / 6-2. With this success the Serbian breaks the pass for what will be for him the 28th final of a career Grand Slam, a final that will see him opposed to the winner of the other semifinal, scheduled for tomorrow, in which the Greek Stefanos Tsitsipas ("executioner "of Rafael Nadal in the quarterfinals) and the Russian Daniil Medvedev currently number four in the ATP ranking. Final in which Djokovic will go hunting for the 18th triumph in a Grand Slam tournament that would allow him to shorten the distance from record holder Roger Federer, currently stopped at 20. Ben Rothenberg is a name that needs no introduction in the tennis world. Over the past few years, the New York Times journalist has established himself as one of the foremost voices on all things tennis. As is the norm with journalists, Rothenberg has also divided opinion time and again. Some believe he has his favorites, while others believe he is too harsh on players like Novak Djokovic.
Rothenberg on Novak Djokovic
Moving on to Novak Djokovic, do you think that there is any truth to the assertions of his fans that Western media is biased against the Serb? Or would you say the behavior of his fans on social media and elsewhere is a reason why he is not as loved as Rafael Nadal or Roger Federer? "The most rabid section of the Novak Djokovic fan base, I don't think it does him any favors in terms of popularity, you can say that. Because they can be incredibly aggressive and off-putting, I guess, in a way that Djokovic himself really isn't. I don't think that Djokovic wants or appreciates that sort of extreme behavior that you can see through some people on Twitter. I would hope that they would sort of act more in their player's image because their player is always gracious and things like that. Every fan base has had some level of that which has been committed. The Djokovic fan base has been a more committed group of people who have that as a strategy and tactic" - Ben Rothenberg said.
from Tennis World USA https://ift.tt/3uiwf0M
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10-man Whitecaps down RSL to snap losing streak
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10-man Whitecaps down RSL to snap losing streak
Cristian Techera connected on a penalty kick and Anthony Blondell scored his first Major League Soccer goal as the Vancouver Whitecaps snapped a three-game losing streak with a 2-0 win over Real Salt Lake on Friday night.
10-man Vancouver wins 2-0, Anthony Blondell scores his first MLS goal. 1:09
Techera scored in the 76th minute after midfielder Nick Besler pulled down Vancouver’s Nicolas Mezquida in the penalty box. Techera’s moment of excitement almost turned into disaster when he celebrated the goal by pulling off his jersey. That resulted in Techera receiving his second yellow card of the night and being thrown out of the game, forcing Vancouver to play with 10 players.
75′ GOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL!!!!!! The Bug converts the PK!!!!! VAN 1-0 RSL <a href=”https://t.co/xuLyDmHj5o”>pic.twitter.com/xuLyDmHj5o</a>
Just three minutes later Alphonso Davies, who had subbed into the game in the 61st minute, had a nice run down the side of the field, then passed to an open Blondell, who tipped the ball into the net for his first goal as a Whitecap.
Blondell makes it 2-0!!!!!<a href=”https://twitter.com/hashtag/VWFC?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#VWFC</a> <a href=”https://twitter.com/hashtag/VANvRSL?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#VANvRSL</a> <a href=”https://t.co/xHxis3sDeM”>pic.twitter.com/xHxis3sDeM</a>
Blondell had a great scoring opportunity in the first half. He also set up Techera and Brek Shea with good chances.
The Whitecaps (4-4-1) were looking to rebound after being humiliated 6-0 on the road last weekend by Sporting Kansas City in the worst defeat in the team’s MLS history. Vancouver had been outscored 10-1 in their previous three losses and haven’t scored a goal at BC Place Stadium in their two previous games.
Real Salt Lake (3-4-1) beat Vancouver 2-1 at Rio Tinto Stadium two weeks ago. Salt Lake is 1-8-1 in its past 10 games at BC Place Stadium and have been outscored 21-7.
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Frank de Boer planning strong lineup for Atlanta United vs. Charleston Battery
Frank de Boer planning strong lineup for Atlanta United vs. Charleston Battery
May 29, 2019; Atlanta, GA, USA; Atlanta United players from left to right; defender Miles Robinson, midfielder Brek Shea, defender Franco Escobar, and midfielder Eric Remedi arrive onto the pitch before their match against Minnesota United at Mercedes-Benz Stadium. (Jason Getz-USA TODAY Sports)
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Stejskal: How Marc Dos Santos plans to remake the Vancouver Whitecaps
Courtesy of Vancouver Whitecaps FC
November 15, 201812:28PM EST
Marc Dos Santos has an ambitious plan for the Vancouver Whitecaps.
This winter, the new ‘Caps head coach will have some room to bring it to life.
Dos Santos, who was named Vancouver manager last week, told MLSsoccer.com on Wednesday that the Whitecaps are “in a good spot” with their salary budget heading into the offseason. Vancouver’s three highest-paid players in 2018 – Designated Player Brek Shea, striker Kei Kamara and midfielder Aly Ghazal – are either out of contract or on a club option for 2019. The ‘Caps will also receive their massive windfall from Alphonso Davies’ impending move to Bayern Munich in January.
The expiring deals of Kamara and Shea, the option on Ghazal and Davies’ MLS-record $ 13 million transfer fee – up to $ 750,000 of which can be converted into General Allocation Money – will give Dos Santos plenty of space remake a squad that has missed the playoffs in two of the last three seasons.
“I think the club’s in a good spot to make intelligent moves,” he said. “We just have to be smart and we have to stick to how we want to look on the field.”
That flexibility will be important, as Dos Santos’ vision for how he wants the Whitecaps to look could require some significant turnover. The 41-year-old, who had a great deal of success as a head coach in the lower divisions with the Montreal Impact, Ottawa Fury, Sporting KC-affiliate Swope Park Rangers and San Francisco Deltas and as a youth coach in Brazil before he joined LAFC as an assistant this past season, has a demanding set of principles he hopes to use to build a new identity for Vancouver.
He wants an aggressive defensive scheme in which individual players will press to win the ball while the team remains compact regardless of where they are on the field. He pictures a fast-paced attack that will quickly look to get vertical and will be able to keep the ball for long stretches. He’ll build his roster with that model in mind – even if realizing it could be tough for a Vancouver team that had the least possession and conceded the fourth most goals in MLS in 2018.
“I’m trying to take every decision for the club with my eyes on the model. What type of team we want to be, how we want to play, what type of intensity, what type of behaviors we want,” he said. “All my decisions are being taken based on the model and nothing else. So, the players that fit that model are in a good spot. The ones that don’t fit, we move on. It’s as simple as that.”
Dos Santos repeatedly returned to the idea of building a “model” or “identity” for Vancouver. He thinks the ‘Caps have lacked a consistent identity from the first-team through the academy in recent years. If they want to regularly compete with MLS’s biggest spenders, he said that will have to change. To compensate for their comparatively small payroll, they’ll need clearer ideas and more cohesion than their rivals.
Fortunately for the Whitecaps, Dos Santos has built successfully at his previous stops. His teams typically didn’t have the deepest pockets in their respective leagues, but they almost always thrived. That was in large part due to Dos Santos’ ability to sign and integrate players that fit his desired model.
He won the USL title with Montreal in 2009, took over Ottawa ahead of their debut season in 2014 and led them to the NASL title game in 2015, guided Swope Park Rangers to a runner-up finish in USL in their expansion season in 2016, then won the 2017 NASL Soccer Bowl in San Francisco’s first and only year as a club. He’s never done it in MLS, but the Montreal-born Canadian-Portuguese dual citizen has clear ideas about how he wants to play and a long history of finding players that fit his system and budget.
“I often say that I wasn’t microwaved. I’m not a coach that was playing and two years later became head coach or was an assistant coach for one year and became head coach,” he said. “I don’t come from that type of background. I think I was a lot of years in the school of coaching, I would call it, to learn to become better, to learn about the league.
“Going from the Impact, to Brazil, to building an NASL club in Ottawa, building an NASL club in San Francisco, working with the reserve team where Peter Vermes was the first-team head coach, working directly with Bob Bradley at LAFC, I think all of those were rich, very rich situations in my life that were more than a coaching course. All of those steps have allowed me to learn, to grow, to become better, and I took some experience in everywhere that I was.”
Of course, Dos Santos started with a blank slate in most of his previous jobs. He led Ottawa, Swope Park and San Francisco during their debut seasons, and was on hand for LAFC’s maiden run in MLS. Working for a first-year team has its challenges, but dos Santos didn’t have to worry about how roster holdovers would adapt to his system. All the players were his.
That won’t be the case in Vancouver, even with their flexibility heading into this offseason. Ten Whitecaps have guaranteed contracts for 2019, including midfielders Felipe, Yordy Reyna, Russell Teibert and Efrain Juarez and DP defender and captain Kendall Waston. Several of those players sniped at each other during Vancouver’s end-of-season media availability, and Waston has said repeatedly in recent weeks that he wants to leave the club this winter.
Dos Santos didn’t commit to moving Waston on Wednesday, but he reiterated his position from his introductory press conference that “the guys that are going to stay here are the guys that want to be here.” He hasn’t yet spoken with the Costa Rican international, but said he’s hoping to sit down with him this week. If Waston still wants to leave after that meeting, Dos Santos indicated that the Whitecaps will move forward accordingly.
Elsewhere, Dos Santos is working with Vancouver VP of soccer operations Greg Anderson to evaluate the current roster and determine which options the Whitecaps will pick up. He said the club is “100 percent looking” at Designated Player targets this offseason – they could have as many as three DP spots available this winter. He’s also in talks to hire three assistant coaches, something he hopes to finalize by the end of November.
Outside of the roster build, his biggest priority might be finding a head scout. Dos Santos will travel to Europe in coming weeks to pick the brains of several different clubs with “incredible scouting departments.” Dos Santos knows he need to ace the hire if Vancouver are going to find players that fit his model, get the club back to the postseason and continue his long history of winning.
“I just feel that I’ve prepared myself for 12 years for this job,” he said. “I feel ready. I feel re-energized in my levels and ambition. I want this club to do well.”
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MLSsoccer.com News
Stejskal: How Marc Dos Santos plans to remake the Vancouver Whitecaps was originally published on 365 Football
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Whitecaps 2 NY City 2: Hurtado comes up big in battle in the Bronx
Whitecaps 2 NY City 2: Hurtado comes up big in battle in the Bronx
The Vancouver Whitecaps’ B-team gets an ‘A’ for effort, and it was “E-Money” playing the hero as the West Coast tourists stole a rare point off of New York City FC Saturday night.
Trailing 2-1 in the 87th minute, Brek Shea found an unmarked Erik Hurtado at the back post on a deep cross and the player, who has played a minuscule 129 total minutes over four appearances in 2018, banged it home for…
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Brek Shea Brek Shea is the member of Soccer Player & Pisces teams. Brek Shea Birth Date February 28, 1990 & Birth Place is College Station, TX.
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Why Does the Away Goals Rule Exist, Should Celtic Join the Premier League, and Many More Listener Questions
On today's show, we answer 6 listeners questions:
1) What is the origin of the away goal being weighed more, and why is this still a thing?
2) How much is a manager at fault if a team is creating chances and getting shots on target but not producing wins?
3) What would Brek Shea have to do to get called up again to the USMNT?
4) Why does the player standing over the ball on a set piece raise his/her arm before running up to take the kick?
5) What is the history/etymology of saying a player gets a “cap” or is “cap-tied”?
6) Why doesn't Celtic join the English Premier League?
Today's show is sponsored by Ruffneck Scarves. Go to http://RuffneckScarves.com and us code "TOTALSOCCERSHOW" for 20% off.
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Bradley Wright-Phillips’ brand-new evidence; and Frank Lampard hems into relevance
Plus: the Rapids triumphing move dissolves hurriedly; Torontos better is back to his best; and Jason Kreiss triumphant return
A record-setting darknes started in atypical pattern for Bradley Wright-Phillips.
The Red Bulls striker expended most of the parallel in solitude, unable to get a clear touch in a dangerous situate, thanks in part to a choking Chicago Fire defense. But as has been the case since he joined the team in 2013, a bit of room was all he needed to show his form.
And on Sunday, it served to break records.
Wright-Phillips extra-time equalizer was his 63 rd as a Red Bull player, putting him past Juan Pablo Angel as the all-time dealership destination scoring leader.
Of course, I wont lie I like to break records, right holders of MLSs single-season goal scoring record said after the competitor. I try not to think about it, but when you say these kind of things, it obligates me proud.
A streaky striker by nature, Wright-Phillips has once again were beginning to warm up, scoring three goals in his last two pairs, break-dance the double digit goalscoring threshold for the third season in a row. But regardless of Sundays record, it is the nature of his latest point that has Red Bulls boss Jesse Marsch excited.
Ive been defying him to see more gamblings belatedly in video games. They did a good job of being hard on him. Every team we play knows Bradley is important. They focus in on him and Sacha, and Brad still manages to find ways to get objectives, Marsch said.
As good as Brad is, we are trying to encourage him to have a cut-throat attitude, that even if he doesnt have a lot of contacts in the game, he exactly necessity one to make a difference.
On Sunday, thats all it took for the Red Bulls to salvage a time from near cataclysm in the unfriendly confines of Toyota Park. I set a lot of work into what I do, Wright-Phillips said. And when you can make an accomplishment like that, it makes me happy and proud.
Welcome back to Major League Soccer, Jason Kreis
The two-time MLS Cup win and former NYC FC boss rejoined the challenger after a short incantation away from video games. His honor? A 3-1 succes in Orlando against the New England Revolution.
In some modes, Kreis astounded with his approach to the equal. In others, “hes having” stayed the same. The trademark of a Kreis side the diamond midfield was shunned for the conventional 4-2-3-1 that Orlando has employed for most of the season. His decision to start Antonio Nocerino and Servando Carrasco over Darwin Ceren and Cristian Higuita was surprising, as was his choice to start Brek Shea on the bench. All starting decisions, he said, were based on word in training.
But most of his lineup decisions followed recent precedent. The back four remained intact. Molino, who has lined up across every midfield place during Orlandos recent gauntlet of fixture congestion, noticed a residence on the left. Kaka reverted centrally behind Larin, with Hadji Barry making his third consecutive start of its first year on the right.
New England searched poised to participate spoiler, putting in an superb superhighway exertion through the opening 45 minutes. Kei Kamara “re opening the” scoring, waltzing his road past the Orlando defense and detecting the net simply 18 instants in.
But Orlando saw their formation in the second half. It took Larin less than a minute to score, hitting Bobby Shuttleworth at the far pole with a calm finish. Second half sub Shea communicated in a cross in the 63 rd, spotting Kevin Molino to redouble the make. Molino capped off the darknes with a brace.
But the nighttime belonged to Jason Kreis, who managed to reignite a sleepy Orlando side to their first win since June 26 th.
Obviously[ Im] very, very happy, Kreis said after the competition. I visualize the week of handiwork that the players and staff have put in was excellent. One of best available weeks Ive ever been involved with. To see that work terminate in a really strong execution realizes me extremely happy.
Frank Lampard hems into relevant for NYC FC
Frank Lampard is the worst Designated Player sign in Major League Soccer biography: that was the narrative six short a few weeks ago. And with good reason. After all, his sketchy stay with New York City FC has been tainted by false starts, contractual distraction, fitness issues and questionable hurt concerns.
But his action on Saturday against the Colorado Rapids introduced an exclaiming differentiate on one of the most remarkable comeback stories of the MLS season.
Since reverting from a calf trauma, Lampard has been on fire. Donning the chieftains armband in place of the suspended David Villa, the Chelsea great revived his past form, scoring the first hat-trick in NYC FC history en route to a 5-1 win over the Colorado Rapids.
This was no small feat for Lampard or NYC FC. The Rapid were undefeated in 15 competitors foreman into Saturdays encounter an enormous achievement within the frameworks of the parity-laden MLS. Their protection allowed a paltry 14 purposes through 20 pairs leader into the weekend, the best preserve in the conference. Eight of their first 20 parallels ended in shutouts. Likewise , no squad has been able to score three against the Rapids backline all season long with or without Tim Howard.
And no single musician has tallied more than two aims against them, either. Until Lampard broke the working party. The Englishman, who has been the top scorer in MLS since his revert as a starter on 18 June, opened the scoring in what was initially a drab affair.
Lightning immediately introduced a pause to the match, but NYC FC accompanied batch of electricity on the restart. A second wayward foul from Michael Azira applied the Rapids down a human in the 37 th time. With Colorado reeling, Tony Taylor redoubled the pas before the half, and Steven Mendoza constructed it three shortly after the second. But “its been” Lampard who induced an unforgettable curtain call. First he curled a shot past Howard and then completed his hat-trick with fines and penalties. He is now among the top-1 0 goalscorers in the league.
Not bad for a presumed has-been, right?
He showed true-blue leadership today, team-mate Jack Harrison said. He was a true-life skipper at Chelsea and he proved it today. He substantiated everyone incorrect is demonstrating that we do need him and hes a key part of our success.
An abrupt death to a good thing
The Colorado Rapids forgot ugly against NYC FC – and that is putting it mildly.
We shot ourselves in the foot, said Howard. Its a small tar, its easy to get around, easy to defend properly and we didnt do that as a group today. Once the red-faced placard happened, the game was finished.
Despite the result, the Rapids should still be proud of what they have accomplished this season. After all, they continue to second in the West with one of the stingiest defenses in the league.
Now makes thrown their achievements in situation. Compare the teams current success to their woes in 2015. They have already overshadowed their win total last year with 10 wins in 2016 compared to nine in 2015. Their defense is actually comparable this year: in 2015 they allowed exactly 22 points through 21 coincides as opposed to their current 19 permitted. Their offensive wasnt all that different either, with the 2016 Rapids tallying 24 aims, compared to the 19 through 21 tallied last-place season.
So whats certain differences? For starters, Colorado are tallying first and accommodating on to wins a determining factor for any contender. Last-place season, they managed to tally first in eight of their opening 21 competitors. That was key to their momentary success on the year( 4-1-3 ). This year, it has been the bedrock of all the teams success, with the Rapids running a solid 10 -0- 3 when find that first point. Only NYC FC have opened the tallying more frequently( 14 of 21 matches ).
The team have also learned how to use dwelling domain to their advantage, running undefeated at DSG Park (8 -0- 3 ). That wasnt the instance last-place season as Colorado disappeared 3-4-4 in the same time frame.
Jermaine Jones has certainly been a part of their success. The squad is undefeated when the midfielder starts( 4-0-3 ). But Pablo Mastroeni has been a key catalyst as well. Continuity and identity is already foreign terms for the Rapids under Mastroeni. Now, key offseason acquisitions have bolstered the fraternity, and Mastroeni has effectively molded his high press arrangement to his players persuasiveness, may be required for his young roster to victimize antagonists on turnovers in the attacking third.
The result has been unfettered success and no single loss can take that away from them.
Torontos best is back to his best
No team in Major League Soccer travel their fates on the back of a single musician quite like Toronto FC and their golden goose, Sebastian Giovinco.
On Sunday evening, the Italian striker acquired the maestro label from countryman Andrea Pirlo, orchestrating and executing on each of Torontos destinations in a 3-0 shutout of the Columbus Crew.
It took all of eight minutes for him to show his form. A long-range blare ricocheted off the back of team-mate Tsubasa Endoh, vanquishing Crew keeper Steve Clark for the early precede. Endoh was credited for the goal – but Giovinco established it happen.
Just 16 a few minutes later, the Toronto offense inaugurated weaving their route through the Crew defense, finishing on a relinquish and depart between Jay Chapman and Giovinco. The former Juventus star took a curling kill on the outside of his foot to double Torontos advantage.
And he wasnt done there. Giovinco thrust Steve Clark into a diving save in the 55 th time. One instant eventually, a hazardous assaulting string assured Giovinco smack the same post not once, but twice, just missing on his possibility for a strengthen. Unable to find two seconds objective, the Italian striker reverted back to the role of distributor, this time connecting with Jozy Altidore for the end goal of the match.
His 12 th goal of the season introduces him merely one behind tournament lead David Villa. His two expedites on the night wreaking his season total to nine as well, tying him for second league wide. Those stats are all the more impressive when you weigh his nine-match scoreless shortage.
Weve said it before and we will say it again: the success of Toronto follows the success of Giovinco. Toronto are 5-1-2 when Giovinco scores. When he doesnt? An humiliating 3-6-4. Its recent, highly circulated nine-match tallying drought resulted in a paltry 2-3-4 evidence for the believed playoff hopefuls. With last weeks hat-trick and the coming week creation, the team have now strung together two prevails for the first time since April, putting them four degrees clear of the crimson line.
The Seattle Sounders can tell you the dangers of relying on a single outstanding representation to move the societies lucks. Two thirds of the channel into this season, and they are still trying to find a solution for the loss of Obafemi Martins.
Toronto may find themselves in a similar discern. But for now, Giovincos brilliance continues to mercy the Great White North and they will follow his contribute, for better or for worse.
The post Bradley Wright-Phillips’ brand-new evidence; and Frank Lampard hems into relevance appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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US Soccer is headed in the wrong direction
The future of the men’s and women’s soccer national team programs is at a crossroads, and no one is sure which way to go.
American soccer suffered a devastating blow in October when the United States men’s national team failed to qualify for the 2018 World Cup. A stunning loss to Trinidad and Tobago meant the Americans will miss out on the biggest sporting event in the world for the first time since 1986.
It was an embarrassing moment, and it has brought about widespread demands for change.
In light of this failure, federation president Sunil Gulati has declared that he will not run for re-election. And while the loss to T&T might have been an eye-opener for many fans, there’s much more to U.S. Soccer’s problems than just some bad performances from the senior men’s squad.
The first few years of the U.S. Soccer Development Academy, created in 2007 as an elite youth league, somehow coincided with a talent void rather than surplus. Meanwhile the women’s national team turned in its worst-ever Olympics performance in 2016, then lost a once unfathomable three home games in 2017.
In February, U.S. Soccer will elect a new president. The candidates all have difficult questions to answer: Is U.S. Soccer still headed in the right direction? What needs to change? And what should be American soccer’s measuring stick for success?
Despite recent failures, the federation could have as much as $140 million in its coffers. U.S. Soccer has the resources to make its way back onto the world stage, but how those resources should be put to use is very much up for debate.
There are some stellar young players on the men’s and women’s sides, but the results have yet to come. All of the candidates for U.S. Soccer president have different ideas about how to proceed. But at the moment, it’s impossible to say whether any of them will have American soccer heading in a positive direction going into the next World Cup cycles.
Maybe you’re wondering what happened. Two months later, it’s still hard to believe.
On Oct. 10, the USMNT entered its match away to Trinidad and Tobago needing only a draw to secure its place in the World Cup. That T&T squad featured players who most of the American team had regularly outplayed at the club level and was missing its two best North American-based players, Joevin Jones and Kevin Molino.
And yet, failure to qualify for the World Cup perhaps wasn’t quite as surprising as it seemed.
The USMNT looked slow and tired as it was outplayed by the young, experimental Soca Warriors. The Americans conceded twice in the first half and couldn’t complete a comeback, losing 2-1. Head coach Bruce Arena was fired.
It was one of the greatest single failures in the history of the program, but the failure to qualify started well before that. Consecutive losses to Mexico and Costa Rica in the first two qualifying matches cost Jürgen Klinsmann his job as head coach. Arena, his replacement, appeared to have things under control until September when his aggressive and naive attacking tactics helped Costa Rica score two goals on the counter and beat the USMNT, 2-0, in New Jersey. That led into the T&T disaster.
And yet, failure to qualify for the World Cup perhaps wasn’t quite as surprising as it seemed. Though the USMNT could comfortably feel like it had more talent than T&T, the gap between the two is smaller than it was four years ago. The gap in talent from the USMNT to rivals Mexico is probably larger, as well. And that’s partially down to a lost generation — most of the youth national team players born between 1990 and 1996 just haven’t made it.
Only three members of the United States team that played at the 2009 U-20 World Cup went on to make impacts at the senior level. One of them, Mix Diskerud, was the only player on the USMNT roster for the 2014 World Cup to not appear in the tournament, and he no longer receives call-ups.
The same can be said for Brek Shea, who has not appeared since 2015 and has largely struggled at the club level since 2011. The third player, Jorge Villafaña — who was part of that team but born in 1989 — did not receive his first senior cap until he was 27.
This group actually fared better than the age group below it, which failed to qualify for the 2011 U-20 World Cup. Players from both of these age groups joined forces on the team that attempted and failed to qualify for the 2012 Olympics, which is restricted to players 23 or under. Villafaña is by far the most successful USMNT player from that group. Things didn’t go much better for the 2016 Olympic qualifying squad, whose only significant contributor to the World Cup qualification campaign was Jordan Morris.
The good news for the USMNT is that there are players from these age groups who weren’t part of those squads. Kellyn Acosta wasn’t identified as a future star midfielder until later in his career. DeAndre Yedlin would have been a success story from those squads, but he was unavailable for selection on a couple of occasions. And John Brooks stayed out of competitive youth games to keep his options open before eventually committing to the USMNT in 2013.
All three of them are between 22 and 24 years old and bear very little blame for the team’s recent failure. They will be expected to lead their younger teammates in the next World Cup qualifying cycle.
Then there is Christian Pulisic, already arguably the most accomplished American male player ever at club level. He has 20 caps and nine goals at age 19 and is a key player for Borussia Dortmund in the Bundesliga. His ceiling is yet to be determined, but even if he doesn’t improve significantly, he’s already one of the most talented players to ever come out of the United States.
Pulisic leads a vanguard of sub-20-year-olds who could be gearing up to resurrect the USMNT. He’ll be joined by central midfielder Weston McKennie, who plays just 30 minutes away for rivals Schalke 04, utility man Tyler Adams, who was a star player in MLS this season at 18, center back Cameron Carter-Vickers, who’s in great form for Sheffield United in the English Championship, and Josh Sargent, a 17-year-old striker who was a prolific scorer at youth level. And those are just the players who have already gotten senior looks — a slew of other players from the Under-20 and Under-17 squads that made World Cup knockout stages could join them soon.
But the final stage of the next World Cup’s qualifying won’t come until 2021. The Gold Cup and a potential 2020 Copa America will be critical in the development of that potential young World Cup team, but those tournaments will be seen more as development opportunities than chances to win trophies for the first time. And even in previous cycles, they have been nowhere near as important as the World Cup. The USMNT’s fate is a long way off from being determined.
The more pressing issue is 2019, when the United States women will be trying to repeat as World Cup champions. Following their poor showing at the 2016 Olympics and an average 2017, they cannot be considered the favorite to do so.
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Despite recent missteps, the USWNT is still ranked No. 1 in the world by FIFA. In perhaps the only instance of FIFA treating women’s soccer better than men’s, the women’s rankings are ELO-based and are more predictive than the men’s rankings. There’s no doubt that the Americans are still capable of being the best team in the world.
Though the USWNT started its 2017 campaign with a win over Germany, it fell in consecutive shutout losses to England and France. It was significantly outplayed in a 1-0 loss at home to Australia later in the year and was lucky not to lose by more. The Americans also needed a late comeback to pull off a 4-3 win over an out-of-form Brazil and was outplayed in a 1-1 draw against a young Canada team.
Fans are feeling a bit uneasy about the state of the entire program following a disappointing 2016 Under-20 World Cup, as well as the departure of former Seattle Reign boss Laura Harvey after just one month in an advisory role. “The U.S. Soccer [job] wasn’t what I thought it was going to be,” Harvey said of why she accepted the head coach position at Utah Royals FC. Things don’t appear to be going well with the women’s program at its foundational level.
If there’s a silver lining, it’s that the USWNT was hampered by injuries in 2017. Young stars Mallory Pugh, Rose Lavelle, and Andi Sullivan were all unavailable for significant chunks of the year. Veteran Tobin Heath was also injured for most of the campaign. And there likely would have been a role for Amy Rodriguez had she not torn her ACL in the first game of the NWSL season. If those players enter 2018 healthy, you might see a much different USWNT.
But head coach Jill Ellis’ seat is lukewarm at the moment, and it might get hot if 2018 gets off to a poor start — or if the new U.S. Soccer president has other ideas for a revamped women’s program.
Whoever wins February’s presidential election will have a mandate to make big changes and the financial resources to execute them. For that reason, this feels like a pivotal moment for the future of American soccer. But there’s only so much the next president can do — very smart and very rich people have been trying and failing to solve American soccer’s development problems for decades.
The candidates are vying for a difficult and likely thankless job. Any reforms they institute are unlikely to pay dividends in the form of World Cup success until long after their first term expires. No coaching hire will be universally popular.
So yes, the person elected to lead U.S. Soccer into the future will decide a ton about its direction, including what to do with a $140 million surplus. The new president will pick the next USMNT manager and determine what Ellis needs to do to remain in charge of the USWNT and will have to figure out the federation’s approach to grassroots soccer, how to run the Development Academy system, its part in Soccer United Marketing’s business operations, and so much more.
But the big question — how does the United States become a world power in men’s soccer and maintain its place at the top of women’s soccer? — has no simple answer. There are numerous candidates for U.S. Soccer president. Some major positions range from Mike Winograd advocating for letting clubs in on solidarity payments, to Eric Wynalda pushing to bring professional leagues in line with Europe’s schedule and structure, to Kathy Carter promising to spare no expense in player development to alleviate pay-to-play problems in youth soccer. All of their ideas have merit, but if any of them were the answer, it would have been done already.
In the short term, a lot of problems can be covered up by good coaching hires and players like McKennie and Lavelle improving over the next two years. The long-term solutions to American soccer’s problems are less simple. Anyone who claims to know the answers is lying. If they were obvious, the presidential candidates wouldn’t have such wildly different platforms, and the USMNT would have never failed to qualify for the World Cup.
All we know is that U.S. Soccer is facing a reckoning. Things are not as bright as they once seemed. What we don't know is the fix, or if it even exists.
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Jose Mourinho reveals one Man Utd Superstar who was "different class": Guess who
Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho has today singled midfielder Paul Pogba out for special praise, following the Frenchman’s performance versus Newcastle United yesterday afternoon.
The two sides went head to head in a Premier League clash at Old Trafford in their return to action following the international brek, with the hosts having surprisingly fallen behind to an early Dwight Gayle strike following an excellent opening 20 minutes from Rafael Benitez’s Magpies.
However, United soon took back control of proceedings, with the brilliant pairing of Paul Pogba and Nemanja Matic dominating the middle of the park.
Pogba, who was appearing in his first game since picking up an injury during his side’s Champions League clash with Basel back in September, looked back to his imperious best, picking up a brilliant assist for Anthony Martial’s equaliser, before putting the icing on a wonderful performance with a goal of his own in the 54th-minute.
Missing link
The difference in the attacking fluidity of the Red Devils with their midfield dynamo back and firing on all cylinders was there for all to see when compared to some of their lacklustre showings sans-Pogba of late, with Jose Mourinho quick to praise his star man in an interview this afternoon:
‘It was a great performance from him.’
‘Paul Pogba is different class – Paul and Nemanja Matic grew up together at the start of the season and are the engine of the team.’
Road ahead
Next up for Manchester United is a trip to Switzerland to face Basel in the Champions League on Wednesday night, with Jose Mourinho’s men needing just a solitary point to secure top-spot in the Group A table with a game to spare.
Marcus Rashford’s idol at Manchester United might surprise you
The Manchester United youngster has remarkably revealed that former Red Devils stopper Tim Howard used to be his hero when he first arrived at the United academy.
“My first season I went in net,” Rashford told the Sunday Times. “The thrill of scoring a goal, you get the same thrill when you save a good chance.
“Howard was my idol. I used to have a little Tim Howard shirt. You watch, there’ll be a game . I’m going to get the gloves one day!” Rashford began playing for Fletcher Moss Rangers when he was five years old before he joined United’s academy at the age of seven.
He rose through the ranks at breakneck speed and now finds himself one of the most important players for both Jose Mourinho and Gareth Southgate
In many ways, Rashford represents the realisation of an unlikely dream for all young footballers who hope to make it big.
“In this area, so many kids love playing football,” Rashford added. “There were some at the club not as talented as others but they knuckled down because they love the game and everybody improved.
“It meant there was always huge competition, and as soon as one player went to an academy , it was an eye-opener to the rest. It showed what was possible.”
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Vancouver Whitecaps FC vs. Portland Timbers | 2018 MLS Match Preview
October 25, 20185:33PM EDT
Vancouver Whitecaps FC vs. Portland Timbers 2018 MLS Regular Season — Week 35 BC Place — Vancouver October 28 — 4:30 pm ET WATCH: TSN1, ESPN+
The Portland Timbers can possibly wrap up home field for the Knockout Round with a win over a Vancouver Whitecaps side that would love to end the 2018 season with a Decision Day presented by AT&T win over their Cascadia rivals and send Alphonso Davies to Bayern Munich on a positive note.
The Timbers clinched a berth in the Audi 2018 MLS Cup Playoffs with a second consecutive win over Real Salt Lake, winning 3-0 at Providence Park on Sunday, while the Whitecaps were eliminated from postseason contention following a 2-2 draw with LAFC at Banc of California Stadium.
The Whitecaps won the previous meeting between the rivals, 2-1, at Providence Park on Aug. 11. Kei Kamara put the visitors in front in the 14th minute and Cristian Techera doubled that lead two minutes from halftime before Diego Valeri pulled the Timbers to within a goal with a 71st-minute penalty kick.
Vancouver Whitecaps FC
The effort was better and the rally was fierce, but ultimately Vancouver (12-13-8) fell short of the intended goal of staying alive for the playoffs with a 2-2 draw at LAFC last Sunday.
The ‘Caps climbed out of a two-goal hole after Diego Rossi struck for an early brace as Yordy Reyna scored from the penalty spot in the 22nd minute and Jordon Mutch equalized in the 65th minute.
Now the focus shifts to the regular season finale, which doubles as a Davies’ sendoff.
“It’s disappointing,” Davies said. “But yeah, eventually it’s going to come to an end on the weekend so I’m ready for it, I’m preparing for it. … Playing for this club has been a dream come true.”
Suspended: None
Suspended after next caution: None
International duty: None
Injury Report: OUT: F – Marvin Emnes (left adductor strain), M – Efrain Juarez (right calf strain)
Projected Starting XI (4-1-4-1, right to left) GK: Stefan Marinovic — Jake Nerwinski, Kendall Waston, Doneil Henry, Brett Levis — Ali Ghazal — Brek Shea, Russell Teibert, Yordy Reyna, Alphonso Davies — Kei Kamara
Notes: Kamara has 112 goals in his MLS career. He needs just three goals to become the fifth all-time leading scorer, passing Ante Razov (114) for the spot. … The Whitecaps have lost four of their last six games in MLS play (1W-1D). They are on pace to become the 14th team in league history to average 2.0 goals against in a season.
Portland Timbers
Portland (15-9-9) booked their ticket to the MLS Cup Playoffs with a convincing 3-0 home win over reeling Real Salt Lake on Sunday.
Larrys Mabiala latched onto a Valeri free kick to put the Timbers in front on the quarter hour. Diego Chara made it 2-0 in the 68th minute before Sebastian Blanco put the icing on the cake three minutes from full time.
“It feels good because it’s been hard work during the entire season, and the guys have worked very hard to get to this point,” Timbers manager Giovanni Savarese said. “So I’m very proud for them.”
Suspended: None
Suspended after next caution: None
International duty: None
Injury Report: OUT: D – Roy Miller (right thigh injury), GK – Jake Gleeson (bilateral tibial stress fracture surgery); QUESTIONABLE: GK – Jeff Attinella (shoulder injury), D – Alvas Powell (head injury), GK – Kendall McIntosh (head injury)
Projected Starting XI (4-2-3-1, right to left) GK: Jeff Attinella — Zarek Valentin, Larrys Mabiala, Liam Ridgewell, Jorge Villafana — David Guzman, Diego Chara — Andy Polo, Diego Valeri, Sebastian Blanco — Jeremy Ebobisse
Notes: Blanco has nine goals+assists in seven appearances since Sept. 1, tied for the fourth most of any MLS player. He had 10 goals+assists in his 20 previous MLS appearances. … The Timbers’ 4-1 win over Real Salt Lake last weekend snapped a six-game road winless streak (4L-2D) in which they scored five goals total.
All-Time Series
Referee: Ted Unkel Assistant Referees: Cameron Blanchard, Jeff Hosking 4th Official: Daniel Radford VAR: Alex Chilowicz
The Winning 11 Pick ‘Em’
Who ya got on Decision Day? Pick which teams will win on MLS Decision Day 2018 presented by AT&T (Oct. 28) for a chance to win a trip to the MLS Cup 2018. It’s FREE and easy. Make your picks now!
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MLSsoccer.com News
Vancouver Whitecaps FC vs. Portland Timbers | 2018 MLS Match Preview was originally published on 365 Football
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